tui house wayfinding dallowboss auckland

Tui House


Wayfinding Strategy & Design


Warkworth Wellsford Hospice

DallowBoss is proud to have been part of the team that delivered ‘Tui House’ – the new Warkworth Wellsford Hospice day centre.

We used our expertise to develop the Tui House identify as well as plan and design wayfinding elements, donor recognition panels and glazing treatments for the Chow: Hill designed building. The simple white on black aesthetic aligns with the architectural language and colourways, and provides legible information for visitors. Garden posts provide directional information on arrival and integrate memorial features while signage for significant rooms or spaces carry donor acknowledgements.

Along with a number of other consultants and trades, DallowBoss donated time and expertise to the project. It’s our small way of giving back to a local cause close to our hearts.